Και στα Κελλιά με χρώματα άσπρα και ήλιο μεθούν

mercoledì 29 dicembre 2021

Ελλάδα 2021 - Βλέμμα μπροστά.

Ένα ντοκιμαντέρ που παρουσιάζει τον συνοπτικό απολογισμό του έργου της Επιτροπής «Ελλάδα 2021» με όσο το δυνατόν πιο εύληπτο και ευχάριστο τρόπο.
Το ντοκιμαντέρ αυτό περιλαμβάνει και την παράλληλη ´Εκθεση -με δικό μου συντονισμό- «Νάπολη και Ελληνική Παλιγγενεσία», την οποία διοργάνωσαν το Archivio di Archivio di Stato di Napoli (Ιταλία), τα Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους ΓΑΚ-Ελλάδα και η Εταιρεία Κυπριακών Σπουδών (Λευκωσία/Κύπρος). Βλέπε. 8.47

Questo documentario presenta il bilancio finale del Comitato "GREECE 2021".

Il documentario comprende anche la Mostra parallela "NAPOLI E RISORGIMENTO GRECO",  
ideata e coordinata da me 
e organizzata 
dall'Archivio di Stato di Napoli (Napoli, Italia),
dagli Archivi Generali della Grecia (Atene, Grecia) 
e dalla Società di Studi Ciprioti (Nicosia, Cipro).


Κι αυτό θα περάσει, όπως μας έλεγαν οι πρόγονοί μας. 'S'ha da aspettà, Ama'. Ha da passà 'a nuttata’, όπως λένε και οι Ναπολιτάνοι.


Eύχομαι υγεία και χαρά για τις γιορτές και τον νέο χρόνο, μαζί με το αισιόδοξο μήνυμα των μανάδων και γιαγιάδων μας, που μου είχε στείλει πέρυσι ο Καθηγητής Κος Γιάννης  Χασιώτης.
Οι Ναπολιτάνοι το λένε έτσι:


'S'ha da aspettà, Ama'. Ha da passà 'a nuttata’".


Είναι  η γνωστή φράση του Eduardo de Filippo στην κωμωδία ¨Napoli milionaria¨.

mercoledì 15 dicembre 2021

International Greek Language Day, NAPLES 9 February 2022, Tη γλώσσα μού έδωσαν ελληνική (ΟΔ. ΕΛΥΤΗΣ)



Every year, on the 9th of February, is celebrated the 

International Greek Language Day.

The organizers, namely:
The Coordination of Campania Classical High Schools Teachers, the Hellenic Community of Naples and Campania, with the patronage of the Municipality of Naples and the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, intend once again to involve the classical high schools of Campania, as well as of other regions and countries, inviting them to take part in this celebration.
Although, due to the protracted health emergency, this year the event will take place once more only online, the theme chosen for the “2022 World Day” will be:
“Building bridges! - Να κτίσουμε γέφυρες! "
The participation will consist in the production and presentation of an unpublished video about the proposed theme, previously sent to the organizers and made in an audio/video mp4 format, lasting max. 5 minutes.
It will then be the technical direction of the event to broadcast the works/videos received in the live streaming of 9th February 2022 on the Facebook page and on the YouTube channel of the World Day of the Greek Language.
At the request of the individual schools, a live intervention by a "spokesperson" student or teacher, immediately before or immediately after the "broadcast" of the video, is allowed as an "optional way of participation".
The participation fee of 50 Euro for each high school has to be paid to the IBAN of the Hellenic Community of Naples and Campania (CENC): IT36P0326503401000010129971 (Banca Promos, SWIFT / BIC: PROSITN1).
The applications must be sent no later than on 13th January 2022 to the e-mail address of the Coordination Team: coordgiornlinguagreca@gmail.com, as well as to the address: angelaiannuzzi69@gmail.com
All applications must include in the object of the email the words "Participation in the WORLD DAY OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE 2022", as attach, the receipt of the bank transfer, clearly indicating the following data:
1) complete name of the school; 2) full name and contact details of the referring teacher; 3) possible “optional way of participation”.
The contact person must send the work by which each school intends to present its participation to the World Day by e-mail no later than on 28th January 2022.
Participating students will receive a Certificate of Participation.

martedì 7 dicembre 2021